April 2023 - Beadmail No. 25 / GOTM No. 20 / OROQ No. 4
BEADMAIL No. 25 Beautiful Strength
Retail Price: $100

Some of us are born with glitter in our blood.
Glitter is our intelligence, a weapon.
We don't need to fool anyone.
We are valuable and strong, like warriors.
Courage is a crown.
We wears it every day, like a queen.
And the Queen can always turn pain into power.
Beautiful strength, beautiful strength.
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GOTM No. 20 Swim The Stars
Retail Price: $70
Let your mind swim free above you. The stars far away mesmerize and create illusions of possibilities. Setting personal goals can be impossible to imagine, but if you want something nothing should stop you. Imagine the stars, imagine completed goals and feelings of success. Don't stop swimming, let your mind fly, follow the possibilities. Dive deep into the rabbit hole of your fears and uncertainties to discover your true potential. Do what needs to be done to come closer to the stars in your mind's reality, one swish at a time. Reach for your stars, take action, anything is possible.
OROQ No. 4 See Survival
Retail Price: $150
K2 Jasper, also known as Raindrop Azurite, Blueberry Jasper, and Survival Stone, can only be found high on the K2 (second highest mountain in the world) mountain in Pakistan. A form of white granite riddled with blue spots, it is considered rare due to its high altitude location and difficult mining process. Because K2 Jasper comes from harsh, snowy conditions it carries the energy to help with overcoming rough living conditions, with endurance, and heightened awareness. K2 is a great stone to practice spirituality. It is known to aid in “seeing” what universal knowledge truly means.
keywords: endurance, awareness, connection, adversity