Retail Price: $65
Photo Credit: Olya Ro
The monkey that can't stop moving.
Are you getting everything done? Are you distracted by another shiny project? Simply "doing" gets more challenging every day as we forever balance work and play, family and friends, ourselves, the physical world, and the technological one. The carousel of responsibilities spins faster and faster around with an onslaught of over-stimulation.
The term "multitasking" first appeared in 1965, describing an IBM computer's capabilities. Researchers have since found that human brains cannot entirely focus when trying to multitask. Though it's possible to divide one's attention among several tasks, the probability of errors goes way up, and the tasks take twice as long as if done sequentially. It is also difficult, if not impossible, to learn new information while multitasking.
OHM can't stop all the noise demanding your attention, but we can offer a reminder of the truth. Come back to your center.
Before you tackle everything that is hurled your way in a single day, find your peace of mind, tranquility of spirit, and focused attention.
Your brain is marvelously complex, and you have the capability to quiet that monkey mind. Give your brain a break, reboot your soul, choose your priorities, and let go of the junk cluttering your path.