December 2021 - Beadmail No. 9 / GOTM No. 4
Retail Price: $75
Photo Credit: Jeab Rossana
2022 is the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac. The tiger is the third of the 12-year cycle of animals related to the Chinese calendar.
According to myth, the Jade Emperor decreed that the order of animals would be determined by a race to his palace. Tigers are very swift, but the powerful tiger was outsmarted. The ox left a day early and the rat climbed onto the ox for a sneaky ride and then leapt down and ran to the emperor to be first in the race and the calendar. The ox was second and the tiger breathlessly arrived to discover that he was third in line.
Regardless, the tiger holds a very prominent place in Chinese culture. He is the King of Beasts in China and the symbol of beauty, majesty, daring and awe. Tigers are seen as the guardian of children and the household. Children wear tiger-striped caps and shoes to ward off evil spirits and sleep on tiger shaped pillows. Many homes have a painting of a tiger in the entrance to ward off evil, fire, and thieves.
If you were born in the Year of the Tiger -- 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 -- you are bold, brave, and self-assured like your namesake. Tigers are born leaders, crave attention, and love competition or fighting for a cause. Men born in the tiger are adventurous spirits and enjoy taking risks. Female tigers relish the freedom to express themselves passionately and they are charismatic leaders in any field.
Like any cat, tigers can also have sharp claws, aggressive reactions, and, though sensitive and affectionate, prefer interactions on their own terms.
OHM celebrates all of our tigers and tiger spirits with this beautifully detailed Year of the Tiger silver bead. Our magnificent tiger is restoring his powerful and passionate energies by serenely practicing yoga.
The tiger image in China is synonymous with success, good fortune, and achievement. As this majestic King of Beasts meditates upon your bracelet, may he likewise bring you good luck and spiritual protection. Do tigers purr? Yep, I think I hear him.
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