December 2022 - Beadmail No. 21 / GOTM No. 16
BEADMAIL NO. 21 Wrapped Up
Retail Price: $65

What do you have to give? Why choose to share? You may believe you have nothing to give, but we all have something to share... our time, our attention, and love. We choose to give. The choice is ours, yours, mine. No one can force us. We can choose to give with a reason or without. Giving is a natural way of life. Nature gives. It is abundant. Be able to give without expectation and be prepared to receive the ultimate gift.
GOTM NO. 16 Miracle Moment
Retail Price: $75

This is a moment, a moment of OHM, a moment of miracles. Cherish each breath. Honor every connection. Respect all signs. Peeping through the blistering winter snow atop a high bough the cardinal offers benediction to you and your actions. You act from a place of love. You act from a place of understanding. You act from a place of truth. This moment is your moment. This moment is our moment. This moment is their moment
I really want this bead bad. Obsessed with it as it puts a big smile on my face. Love love love it
Any chance I could purchase the “wrapped up” bow charm ? I can’t afford a subscription but would love the chance to purchase the “wrapped up” I love that charm. Please give me the opportunity. Thank you