February 2023 - Beadmail No. 23 / GOTM No. 18
BEADMAIL No. 23 Chateau OHM 2023
Retail Price: $65
Happy 2023! Let's celebrate almost two full years of Beadmail with Beadmail No. 23! This year OHM is also celebrating its 15th OHMversary. 2008 feels like a world away, and just like the designs from our beginnings, each year showcases a new vintage of releases, designs, and projects. Thank you for trusting us and sticking around through all the changes, experiments, and shenanigans at OHM.
From the CHATEAU OHM 2023 comes this articulating wine bottle wrapped in the filigree of love. From all of us at OHM to you, enjoy. It's better with a friend. Cheers! Santé! Chai Yo!
Love blooms when you give it attention. Sometimes a bud, or a bloom, needs to be pinched and a bouquet created, in order for more flowers to flourish and grow. Love thrives when you give it a little squeeze. Give someone in your life a little love pinch and watch their heart rate rise. The blood pumps a little harder, and a smile may grow, and best of all, maybe a little chuckle.