OHM packaging has been something its customers love and are excited to see. From simple environment friendly crafted boxes to the tongue-and-cheek concept of Kamasutra bead box, OHM packaging provides its customers unparalleled unboxing experiences. Today we’re going to talk to Navin Meengoun, the Creative Director of OHM who is in charge of OHM packaging. OHM team members use these hashtags to describe him #creative #friendly #tattoo #moustache #win #vintage #secondhand.

Hi Navin, How long have you been working at OHM?

I’ve been working at OHM for 12 years now since 2008. I joined OHM as a photographer and graphics designer.

Wow, so you are one of the very first OHM staff. What is your scope of works nowadays as a creative director?

I plan and oversee the creative process including product packaging, marketing materials, and store design and give guidance to the graphics designers.

People love OHM packaging, can you walk us through the packaging design process?

It usually starts with a meeting with the design team. After learning the bead story and concept, and doing the initial research, I visualize how the bead can be packaged, creating a 3D form and unfolding it in my mind then sketching the design onto paper. If the concept is approved, I will hand-make them with the proper materials to feel as if they are coming off of the production line. After all the various testings, I will make a polished prototype. This prototype gives me a good understanding of what the final design could look like. It will also allow me to test out the unboxing experience now that I have a close to finish structure. The whole process usually takes between six to nine months.

I didn’t realize that it takes that long. You’ve designed a lot of bead packaging, especially on the Bead Of The Month project. What is your favorite?

One of my favorite packaging designs is the Astronargh’s, the bath bombs. This bead design has five variations and we’d like it to be a surprise to our customers. We decided to put the beads inside the bath bombs, a customer had to put it in the water for the bead to reveal itself. That was a really fun project, we went through a lot of experiments.

That sounds like a lot of fun. What do you want to do but haven’t done at OHM?

I would like to design collections of realistic miniatures such as kitchenware, everyday objects,  and vintage items like a film camera. It reminds me of my childhood memories.

That’s interesting. When did you get into photography?

When I was a child, I was fascinated by the camera that my dad had. I like hanging it around my neck even though I didn’t know how to use it. One day a friend of my dad saw me with the camera and asked if I could take a picture of him, he was disappointed when he knew that I didn’t know how to use the camera. From that moment on, I was determined to learn how to take photos and started studying cameras and photography and it has become my passion ever since.

What were your favorite moments at OHM?

I had a dream that someday I would walk the red carpet at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the largest gathering of the advertising and creative communications industry. When Kit introduced me to OHM customers at OHM10 event in New Orleans and told them that I was responsible for most of OHM packaging designs. Some of them had come up and told me how much they love OHM packaging. I was so honored that my work was recognized. I felt like I had won an award from Cannes Lions Festival.

It must be exciting to finally meet the customers in person. What message do you want to send to other customers you haven’t met?

OHM has given me opportunities to do what I love. I put all my love into everything I do at OHM and I want our customers to feel the love in my works too.

What is your favorite coffee?

I prefer tea to coffee, especially Oolong tea.


I truly love Ohm beads but your packaging makes them even more special. :)

Sabrina Collins

I appreciate OHM packaging tremendously and send my regards and accolades to Navin for all his creative genius! Interesting to read this interview and put a face to the name!


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