OHM Giving - OHM Good To Go No. 4 - Transforming the Playground

OHM Giving - OHM Good To Go No. 4 - Transforming the Playground

One of the reasons I head to Thailand every year is for business, but there’s one trip I always look forward to the most—when I get to join my OHM team to give back to the community.

OHM Good To Go is our annual event where a team member picks a project they’re passionate about. This year, Jack (the brains behind so many of our cool stone and enamel beads) wanted to transform the rundown playground at Ban Nong Chok School in Ratchaburi into a safe, fun space for the kids.

Ban Nong Chok School serves students from kindergarten to grade 6, many of whom are from the local area. Some kids even borrow bikes from the school just to get to class.

Transforming the Playground: A Safe Space for Childhood

For these kids, the playground isn’t just a place to play—it’s where they learn, grow, and bond with friends. But the state of it was heartbreaking: rusty swings, broken teeter-totters, unsafe climbing structures, and rundown slides.

We set a goal to raise $1,500 to fix it up, and thanks to donations from OHMies around the world, we made it happen. Huge thanks to all of you!

The Trip

We kicked off the trip bright and early on November 7, 2024. After a 4-hour drive, we met the principal and teachers and got straight to work. We repainted the play structures, and the air was filled with laughter and joy. It reminded us of our own childhoods, when we’d lose track of time playing with friends and dreading the bell to go back to class.


After a quick lunch break (none of us knew what was coming next), we returned to the playground to find a massive pile of sand waiting for us. Our mission? Spread it across the playground floor. With limited tools, it was backbreaking work—until the students showed up after class to help. Without them, we wouldn’t have finished. When the last bucket of sand was dumped, we all cheered.

The Next Morning

We got up early to prep breakfast for the kids. It was drizzling, and students started arriving—some dropped off by parents, others on bikes borrowed from the school. After breakfast, we introduced ourselves, and the kids were beyond excited to see us and hear about the fun activities we had planned.


The Fun

We had activities and entertainment for all ages, and it was so fulfilling to see the kids laugh, smile, and show off their talents. Along with prizes for everyone, we used the donated funds to buy sneakers, sports equipment, and musical instruments for the school.

Then came the moment we’d been waiting for: the soccer match. We thought we’d show these elementary schoolers who’s boss. Oh, how wrong we were. Even though we knew what to do, our bodies just wouldn’t cooperate. They crushed us 12-1, with Vin scoring our only goal (our hero).

Next up: volleyball. We started strong (I scored 4 points in a row!), but it all went downhill from there. We lost 0-2. Despite the losses, it was an amazing bonding experience for the team.


Lunch was a big deal for the kids. Normally, the school has a budget of 20 baht (about 59 cents) per student, which limits their meal options. This time, we made sure everyone had plenty of nutritious food. The kids left with full tummies and big smiles.

None of this would’ve been possible without your generosity. The OHM team, the students, and the teachers at Ban Nong Chok School are so grateful. Thank you for making this unforgettable experience happen!

💜 Kit

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