Ice Cube
AMG745Earn OHMbucks
- Regular price
- $68.00 USD
- Regular price
$68.00 USD - Sale price
- $68.00 USD
- Unit price
- per
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April is the hottest season in Thailand. The sun directly overhead for most of the day as the heat radiates and spreads throughout the country. In some provinces, the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, so ICE CUBE is the perfect OHM Thailand Exclusive for the Summer.
The newest cube-shaped glass bead from OHM is designed like a chilled ice cube. Watch it starting to melt when put into a favorite drink as you like a fresh fruit cocktail or pearl milk tea, sweet and rich. The cold ice frosting the outside of the glass. Refreshing the body, rejuvenating and revitalizing the soul. Although the weather outside is hotter than mercury, inside it's cool because ICE CUBE is here helping to cool you off from the heat.
Terms and conditions
All orders placed on ship from the USA.
For international customers, please note that your package may be subject to import fees, customs duties, or taxes as determined by your country. OHM is not responsible for any additional charges you may incur for customs clearance. If a shipment is refused upon delivery due to customs issues, a 10% restocking fee, along with any applicable shipping costs, will be deducted upon return.
To learn more, click here: