October 2023 - Beadmail No. 31 / GOTM No. 26 / OROQ No. 6
BEADMAIL NO. 31 Two Sides
Retail Price: $75

There is no good without evil. It takes one to recognize the other. It takes two to tango. One side must bare the weight of the other for the dance to continue. These opposites exist in tandem, together they add value and dimension to everything life has to offer. Just like two sides of the same coin, both go hand in hand shining the light and casting the shadow.
A concept of angels and devils as opposing spiritual forces is a widely spread motif in many cultures and religious traditions.
Angels are often seen as representing goodness, purity, and divine grace, while evil, sin, and corruption are associated with devils. This duality is often used to illustrate the struggle between good and evil that exists within the human soul, and the choice we must make for these two paths to become one.
The duality of angels and devils can be seen as a metaphor for the inner conflict that we experience as human beings, representing opposing forces within us pulling us in different directions.
In some religious traditions, the struggle between angels and devils is also seen as the journey of the soul towards redemption and salvation. The presence of both good and evil within us serves as a reminder of the importance of choosing to follow the path of righteousness, and of our capacity for growth and spiritual transformation.
GOTM NO. 26 Three Sides
Retail Price: $70
The three sides may seem distinct and different, yet they are all part of the same piece and therefore united on a fundamental level. These three are inviting you not to pick or choose one side, but to consider all three. You gain a more complete understanding of the issue at hand when you consider more than two sides of the same story, and perhaps more than three. Each side, each path, each perspective highlights a different aspect of the situation. They are all equally important and valid. Help to see the truth for what it is. True.
OROQ NO. 6 Hello Darkness
Retail Price: $150
Step into the realm of Onyx, where enchantment and versatility converge. Experience the allure of this captivating gemstone as it empowers you with solace and strength, its ethereal glow shielding you from darkness. Like ancient roots, it forms an unbreakable bond with the earth, offering inner fortitude and guiding lost souls to find balance. Onyx acts as a beacon of relief, dispelling stress and anxiety, weaving serenity and restoring harmony. Embrace its mythical essence, finding solace, strength, grounding, and balance on your ethereal journey
Keywords: Protection, strength, grounding, relief, balance