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Be heard. Be that in the woods, on the playground, or swimming pool. Whistles have been around since early humans first carved a gourd, branch, or piece of bone and found that they could make a sound with it. The ancient Egyptians used small shells as whistles. In Greece, whistles kept the rowing stroke of the galley crew. The English used whistles during the Crusades to signal archers, or aboard naval vessels to issue commands or salute dignitaries.

The inventor of the whistle we know today was Joseph Hudson. In 1870, he created the Acme City brass whistle, which became the first referee whistle used in football matches. In 1883, Joseph began experimenting with pea-whistle designs that could produce an intense sound heard over a mile away. Police officers at the time used ineffective ratchet rattles to communicate. Hudson's pea-whistle invention, called the Acme Thunderer, was adopted by Scotland Yard in 1884, and it remains the most used whistle in the world to this day.

Whistles have many practical uses, from sports to traffic control to lifeguard to dog training. Whistles are also important symbols of warning. Maybe you choose to wear our shiny OHM whistle on your bracelet to symbolize your own role as a teacher and a guide in a chaotic world. Maybe our OHM whistle reminds you of sunny summers at the beach or sporting event. CALL OUT to OHM and let us know why you are wearing it.

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