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Luna 3.0

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Luna 3.0 is a continuation of OHM’s lunar series of concepts. Same idea, same meaning, new smaller size. Luna 3.0 signifies an immense depth and intensity of love. To love someone to the moon and back is to love them unconditionally, wholeheartedly, and with an immeasurable amount of affection and devotion. The true love we can feel for another is immeasurable and knows no bounds. The moon, as a symbol of distance and vastness, represents the extent to which one's love reaches. It signifies a love that transcends earthly limitations, surpassing any obstacles or challenges. Loving someone to the moon and back is an expression of the profound and limitless affection we hold for another person. It embodies a love that is unwavering, all-encompassing, and boundless in its depth and devotion.

A mother putting her baby down for sleep...

"Good night my sweet child. Please know that I love you very much!"

"I love you too, mommy. But how much is…. very much?"

"Oh, very much is a lot. My love is so big, that it fills up all of space, time, and eternity. My love is limitless."

"I still don't understand. How much is limitless? Is it as big as a car? Or as big as a house?"

"Oh, it is even bigger than that. I love you to the moon and back!"

"Hmm. That’s a lot. I understand. Kind of. The moon is really far away, so your love must be really big. But mommy, the moon always changes! Sometimes the moon goes away. Does it mean that your love goes away too?"

"Sweet baby. My love is the moon itself - it is always there - even if you can’t see it. Sometimes you will look up and see a full moon - big and bright. When that happens it is me and my love watching over you. And there will be other times. You will look up and see no moon at all - but have no worries! Even during the darkest times, my love for you will still be there - just like the moon is always there, even if you can't see it. You might feel lonely and forgotten during those dark moon days. Darkness and light must co-exist for balance - but don't be afraid. My love will guide you in light and in shadow. Your Mother’s love will stay with you forever - in your heart and all around you, orbiting you for time immemorial."

LUNA represents both the inner child and the inner mother, trust, faith, and unconditional love. This sphere has been revisited many times since the LUNA BOTM original launched, we have a newly carved moon that sits smaller on the bracelet. Each Luna design is marked with a myriad of craters creating many ways to connect the piece. LUNA 3.0 has the same heartfelt meaning from OHM.

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